Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Mobile Phone

My mobile phone that i use is Nokia N70 Black. My mother bought it for me about 1 year ago. It different from N70 because it is music edition. It has more memory and more functions that I like. So I can save more musics in my phone. Mobile phone is very necessary for me. When I would like to talk with anyone , I can call them at that time. When I have a trip and I don't have camera , I can use my mobile phone to take photos and if I'd like to print it out , I can connect to the printer with bluetooth. When I want to relax , I usually listen to the musics and sometimes play games. When I want to search any information , I can connect to the internet and search it at that time with Google. Moreover , my mobile phone can be clock , reminder , calendar , calculator , recorder and converter , etc. It is very useful technology. So without my mobile phone , I think it doesn't comfortable to do many things.


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