Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Do I Have More Friends With IT ?

Computer is a kind of IT. I can use the internet to communicate the people around the world by many ways , for example , HI5 , MSN , E-mail or anything. So I can have more friends with IT , you can , too.

When I was in grade 11 , i learnt French. My teacher who taught me French commanded the students to post our profile in French website in French language , try to e-mail to each other and print out those 10 e-mails to the teacher. He gave us marks. So now I have many friends who come from many coutries and many nationalities , for example France , Spain , Morocco , Luxemberg and England , etc. One spanish friend of mine , her name is Maitane , she taught me many spanish words. For example , hello = hola , I love you = Te quiero , etc.


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