Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Talking Dictionary

On June last year , my mother bought me a talking dictionary. It is MD 98. I use it by stylus. It is very useful talking dictionary because it has many functions which I can do many things. First , it is a dictionary which can translate 11 languages , English , Chinese , Japanese , Korean , French , German , Italian , Portuguese , Brazilian , Spanish and Thai. It composes of idioms , slang , proverbs , phrasal verbs , professional dictionary and TOEFL , etc. Second function is organizer , it composes of address book , datebook , memopad , owner's information , schedule class , time and notepad. Third is calculator , it composes of simple calculator , science calculator , unit converter , currency converter and maths formula. Forth is reference , it is telephone information , travel guide , world records , Thailand records , great inventors , health guide , size equivalent and embassy. Fifth function is multimedia , it composes of MP3 player , MPEG4 player , picture viewer and flash. Sixth is flash games , there're 4 games. Alhough some games they hard to control , I still like to play them. Seventh is set up. Eighth is E-book and the last function is PC connect. So my personal talking dictionary looks like a computer. It can do many things like computer. This is one of modern technology in the world.

My Mobile Phone

My mobile phone that i use is Nokia N70 Black. My mother bought it for me about 1 year ago. It different from N70 because it is music edition. It has more memory and more functions that I like. So I can save more musics in my phone. Mobile phone is very necessary for me. When I would like to talk with anyone , I can call them at that time. When I have a trip and I don't have camera , I can use my mobile phone to take photos and if I'd like to print it out , I can connect to the printer with bluetooth. When I want to relax , I usually listen to the musics and sometimes play games. When I want to search any information , I can connect to the internet and search it at that time with Google. Moreover , my mobile phone can be clock , reminder , calendar , calculator , recorder and converter , etc. It is very useful technology. So without my mobile phone , I think it doesn't comfortable to do many things.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Do I Have More Friends With IT ?

Computer is a kind of IT. I can use the internet to communicate the people around the world by many ways , for example , HI5 , MSN , E-mail or anything. So I can have more friends with IT , you can , too.

When I was in grade 11 , i learnt French. My teacher who taught me French commanded the students to post our profile in French website in French language , try to e-mail to each other and print out those 10 e-mails to the teacher. He gave us marks. So now I have many friends who come from many coutries and many nationalities , for example France , Spain , Morocco , Luxemberg and England , etc. One spanish friend of mine , her name is Maitane , she taught me many spanish words. For example , hello = hola , I love you = Te quiero , etc.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Can I Live Without IT ?

Nowadays the world is full of IT. Everything around us is about IT. For me , I think I can't live without IT for sure. IT is very important for me , for example , computer , mobile phone , television , radio and electronic light bulb , etc. I must use them in my routine. I can use the computer to communicate the people around the world or do my reports. I use my mobile phone to talk with my parents , my relations and my friends when I stay far from them and I miss them or there is an emergency. I always watch television when I'm serious or I want to relax. I usually turn on the radio when I have nothing to do. And when the room is dark or i must read books , i have to turn on the light. These are just a few examples that's why i can't live without IT.

You try to imagine that if you live without IT , how will you spend your life ? So .. Can you live without IT ?